Deal Us In
Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) Increase Care and Decrease Stigma
SSPs provide a variety of resources in a compassionate community setting. As a result, those who use SSPs are 5x more likely to enter treatment and 3x more likely to stop using drugs.* Funding for these programs should be robust.

What You Need To Know
Nearly 30 years of research has shown that comprehensive SSPs are safe, effective, and cost-saving, do not increase illegal drug use or crime, and play an important role in reducing the transmission of viral hepatitis, HIV and other infections.
Access to quality SSPs also aids in the prevention and treatment of skin and soft tissue infections, infective endocarditis, and other health concerns related to lack of syringe access that aren't often discussed.
Because of federal funding restrictions, SSPs often struggle to purchase supplies. Settlement funds can help cover this gap in funding by providing direct funds for the purchase of syringes.
Leaders To Know
Dave Purchase - In August, 1988 Dave Purchase set up a TV tray and a folding chair near a house frequented by heroin users in downtown Tacoma, WA. He exchanged clean needles— to anyone who wanted them, no questions asked. Dave wanted to stop the spread of HIV. What he started was a movement.
Additional Resources
NASEN (North America Syringe Exchange Network)
Summary of Information on The Safety and Effectiveness of Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) - CDC
Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) - CDC